Focusing on prevention, testing, treatment, and support services, the initiative seeks to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities across Calderdale.

You can find out more about HIV, TB and hepatitis as well as the various services that are available in Calderdale and the huge number of resources that are available locally, regionally and nationally.

Here are some highlights from the recent Mission Zero Conference. A more in-depth overview is available here

Our aim

We’re on a mission to...

End all new cases of HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis within Calderdale by 2030
Eradicate all preventable deaths from HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis related causes by 2030
Stop HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis related discrimination and stigma by 2030

Mission Zero is a partnership with local healthcare providers, public health agencies, and community organisations.

Take control of your health: Get tested and know your status for HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis
Treatment works: Access treatment and care services
Support is available: Reach out for support and resources if you or someone you know is affected by infectious diseases

Stigma and discrimination have detrimental impacts on individuals and communities affected by or HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis, reinforcing social injustices and hindering access to prevention, testing, care and other necessary resources. Mission Zero provides information and links to many services and resources to stop this related discrimination and stigma. Take a look to find out more.

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